NH Hotel, Dortmund/Public area

NH Hotel, Dortmund/Public area

NH Hotel, Dortmund/Rooms

NH Hotel, Dortmund/Rooms

Restaurants Godzila & Endorfino

Restaurants Godzila & Endorfino

Nahsholim Holiday Village Kibbutz, Israel

Nahsholim Holiday Village Kibbutz, Israel

New Terminal at Airport Varna and Airport Bourgas

New Terminal at Airport Varna and Airport Bourgas

Wyndham Stuttgart Airport Messe Hotel, Stuttgart

Wyndham Stuttgart Airport Messe Hotel, Stuttgart

Мебели тип ГОТОВИ ЗА СГЛОБЯВАНЕ, е най-динамично и бързо развиващия се сегмент от световния мебелен пазар. Този тип производство се характеризира с баланс между добро качество и достъпна цена. Те се транспортират несглобени, като по този начин се изключват разходите по сглобяване, облекчава се транспортирането, и не на последно място, се редуцират трансортните разходи.

Несглобените мебели са пакетирани с двупластово велпапе и машинен стреч 23µm, в пакети не по-тежки от 20кг. Това допринася за минимални повреди при товаро-разтоварните дейности. Плоско пакетираните мебели са много по-малко уязвими на щети. Всеки пакет съдържа необходимия за сглобяването на изделието обков, както и подробна инструкция за монтаж. Използваме материали, които с годините са се наложили в нашето производство.

We begun in 1992 as a small carpentry shop for the local community. In 1994 under the name "Sequoia" Ltd., we expanded the production capacity and the scale of the operations have surpassed the local community. At that time we had 30 employees producing furniture for the Bulgarian market. In 2002 the company has acquired a small carpentary shop and changed the name to "BMK Sequoia" ltd.

Five years later, after significant changes in the structure of the entity, the company has been renamed to "K2" Ltd. At this time we have expanded our capacity almost threefold by purchasing new machines, moving to new production plant and broaden the team up to 73 employees.

K2 Ltd. is a highly capable company specilised in furniture design, manufacturing and project management. The company has two manufacturing divisions. The first division is dedicated to the mass production of flat-pack furniture DIY style and the second division is focused on contract furniture projects. The contract furniture division gives us the opportunity to help every demanding business materialsie their ideas (HORECA industry, retail sector, banks, office buildings etc.)

Both divisions of the company are equipped with state-of-the art machinery fully capable of working independently or simultaneously when needed. Our multidisciplinary team works with you from the blueprint to the actual commissioning of the project.

We have long experience in the furniture industry and we are well acquainted with the hospitality scene.

We at “Albena” plc. Always strive to be up-to-date with the newest trends in interior design for our hotels. We can proudly say that we have found the right partner who always manages to fulfill our desires – K2 ltd.

Albena plc., Bulgaria

We would like to express our fine impressions with furniture manufacturer K2 Ltd., regarding their professional attitude toward business discussion, project management and meeting the promised deadlines.

Darik Radio, Bulgaria
IV-EL - Furniture Materials, Hardware & Accessories
PBM Contruction Germany GmBH
Ligna Group ltd
Videnov Furniture


+359 58 601 262telephone

+359 58 603 813technology

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